
1/4/2018 激情东非 & 迪拜九晚11 天游

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激情东非&迪拜九晚11 天游

2018 新的一年想在非洲与动物亲密接触吗?法拉盛网安排了1/4/2018 的激情东非 (三大国家公园+两大湖泊)+迪拜9晚11天游、欢迎有兴趣的朋友参与!团费两人同房1899(不包机票),单人房加460. 请到135-31 Roosevelt ave 2fl flushing 报名或者致电 19178811647、早订机票平点、持绿卡可以去!
East Africa (Three national parks + two lakes) 7 nights and 10 days
纳瓦沙湖、埃尔门泰塔湖,地球南北半球赤道线 、地狱之门国家公园、纳库鲁国家公园、马赛马拉国家公园
➢ 贴心安排 早班机抵达或晚班机离开均赠送:“野生动物孤儿院”半日游,可近距离亲密接触野生动物。
➢ 贴心安排 世界五十佳之一的烤肉餐厅Carnivore享用非洲“百兽宴”,别具一格的用餐环境,丰富多样的用餐内容,将给您留下无限美好的回忆。
➢ 贴心安排 中式海鲜火锅大餐,超大的膏蟹、大虾等海鲜任吃到饱!
➢ 贴心安排 马塞马拉两晚住宿草原内五星酒店,保证游览马拉河!
居住地-肯尼亚 Hometown-Kenya
抵达肯尼亚首都内罗毕 Arriving in Nairobi
早餐:飞机上; 午餐:自理; 晚餐:百兽宴
HOTEL:Swiss International Nairobi or similar
Dinner at the Carnivore.
* 如果凌晨抵达的航班,接机后前往酒店办理入住手续,安排半日游:【大象孤儿院】-这是福特斯与戴维野生动植物信托基金内罗毕肯尼亚大象和犀牛孤儿领养中心,可以参观和亲密接触这些失去父母的野生动物孤儿,每天中午11点和12,可以看到大象被喂食。此外,有专业的工作人员和大家介绍,你可以接近大象,孤儿院也有小犀牛。
Welcome to Nairobi, the heart of Kenya, our staff will be waiting for us at Nairobi International Airport to take us to our 5 Star hotel to check in. Where we will be having lunch, enjoy your first impression of Africa, rest up and get ready for one of Kenya's best Restaurants - the Carnivore for dinner.
地狱之门国家公园-埃尔门泰塔湖 Hell's Gate National Park-Lake Elmenteita
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:酒店自助餐; 晚餐:酒店自助餐
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel/Lodge or similar
All meals included
Heading to Lake Elementaita after breakfast, once we checked in at our beautiful lodge, enjoy lunch, and get ready for Hell's Gate National Park, where "Tomb Rider 2" was filmed. Hell's Gate National Park is a remarkable quarter of the Great Rift Valley. Spectacular scenery including the towering cliffs, water-gouged gorges, stark rock towers, scrub clad volcanoes and belching plumes of geothermal steam make it one of the most atmospheric Parks in Africa. Hell’s Gate is an ideal venue for a day trip from Nairobi where, in addition to the bio-diversity that includes raptors, visitors can enjoy mountain biking, rock climbing and a natural spa.
埃尔门泰塔湖-纳瓦沙湖Lake Elmenteita-Na varsa lake
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:酒店自助餐; 晚餐:酒店自助餐
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel/Lodge or similar
All meals included
Join us after breakfast we are heading to Lake Naivasha, jump on a boat ride and go for a walk at this amazing place. Lake Naivasha is home to a wide variety of wildlife including a sizeable population of hippos which usually invade our property during their nightly forays for food. Being a freshwater lake, it also has a healthy fish population to include Black bass, Tilapia and Crayfish which attract a variety of fish-eating birds such as Long-tailed and Great Cormorants, along with Fish Eagles, Pelicans, and various types of Kingfishers.
地球南北半球赤道线 & 纳库鲁国家公园North-south equator line&Nakuru national park
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:野外用餐; 晚餐:酒店自助餐
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel/Lodge or similar
All meals included
Passing though the Great Rift Valley and the Equator, be amazed when our locals explain and demonstrate the amazing Equator line. Are you ready for Flamingos and Rhinos?
On the floor of the Great Rift Valley, surrounded by wooded and bushy grassland, lies the beautiful Lake Nakuru National Park. Visitors can enjoy the wide ecological diversity and varied habitats that range from Lake Nakuru itself to the surrounding escarpment and picturesque ridges. Lake Nakuru National Park is ideal for bird watching,
纳库鲁国家公园-马塞马拉野生动物保护区Nakuru national park-Masai Mara National Reserve
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:酒店自助餐; 晚餐:酒店自助餐
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel/Lodge or similar
All meals included
Yes, the magical Masai Mara, let the fun begin. Game drives and then relaxing at our beautiful hotels. Have a few drinks and enjoy local food.
马塞马拉野生动物保护区全天游猎 Masai Mara National Reserve
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:野外用餐; 晚餐:酒店自助餐
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel/Lodge or similar
All meals included
早餐後驾车巡游马赛马拉大草原并前往馬拉河區域,追蹤觀察【馬賽馬拉國家公園】內的各種野生動物(Full Day)。非洲馬拉河流經非洲肯雅和坦桑尼亞,全長395公里,流域面積13,504平方公里,其中60%位於肯雅境內,40%位於坦桑尼亞境內。河流發源於肯雅多雨的山區,大遷徙每天都在發生,野生動物橫渡馬拉河,在肯雅的馬賽馬拉國家公園和坦桑尼亞的塞倫蓋蒂國家公園之間來回遷徙,在世界壯觀野生動物大遷徙中佔有重要地位。暴漲的激流和鱷魚的狙擊是最艱難而壯觀的一幕,這被稱為馬拉河之渡或天國之渡。
Full day of game drive at Masai Mara National Reserve, never ending fun and excitements.
马塞马拉野生动物保护区-内罗毕Masai Mara National Reserve-Nairobi
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:海鲜火锅; 晚餐:酒店中餐
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel/Lodge or similar
All meals included
返回奈洛比,途徑【東非大裂谷】停車,下車觀賞壯觀美景,抵達奈洛比午餐享用豐盛的印度洋海鮮火鍋大餐(超大膏蟹任吃到飽)。東非大裂谷是世界大陸上最大的斷裂帶,當乘飛機越過浩翰的印度洋,進入東非大陸的赤道上空時,從機窗向下俯視,一條碩大無朋的“刀痕”呈現在面前,頓時讓人產生一種驚異而神奇的感覺,這就是聞名的“東非大裂谷”,亦稱“東非大峽穀”或“東非大地溝”。 這條長度相稱於地球周長1/6的大裂谷,氣魄雄偉,景色壯觀,是世界上最大的裂谷帶,有人形象地將其稱為“地球表皮上的一條最美的伤痕。
Heading to back to Kenya's best city - Nairobi after breakfast. We will be stopping and experience the spectacular beauty of The Great Rift Valley from above.
内罗毕- 迪拜 Nairobi- Dubai
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:自理; 晚餐:自理
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel
Breakfast in the hotel
After having breakfast, we are heading to the airport, I know it's never easy to say good bye, but for now, it's time for my home sweet home.
迪拜 Dubai
早餐:酒店自助早餐; 午餐:自理; 晚餐:BBQ
HOTEL:Local Five star Hotel
Breakfast in the hotel ,BBQ dinner
酒店早餐后,前往极具中东风情的著名【黄金市场】及【香料市场】,这里陈列着阿拉伯香料、香水等物品。附近的黄金市场,你可以看到目眩的黄金及不同风格的项链、金耳环、金手镯等。时间允许的话,你可以闲逛到附近的古董市场,在那里挑上钟意的咖啡壶、阿拉伯箱子或手工艺品。后前往参观【Heritage Touch伊斯兰艺术中心】这里汇聚了阿拉伯世界的艺术珍品,其中多件是中东的友邦赠与阿拉伯皇室的珍品,无论是纯手工制作的波斯地毯,还是选材独特的阿拉伯式披肩,手工艺品都汇聚了伊斯兰文明的精髓,每一个款设计,甚至每一个图形都是独一无二的。随后前往茱美拉海滩,远眺耸立在海中的迪拜奢华的象征—【七星帆船酒店】客人可以选择自费享受酒店内七星午餐。
下午客人向沙漠进发,在指定地点集合,由冲沙公司安排乘坐陆地巡洋舰进入沙漠,享受异域【冲沙】的惊险刺激体验,享用地道的【阿拉伯风味烧烤晚餐】,观赏特具中东异域风情的肚皮舞表演(斋月期间暂停), 整个冲沙活动时间约4小时,结束之后将客人送回酒店休息。
After Breakfast, you can enjoy your own time or you can join the optional city tour. Go to Dubai gold souk and perfume market which have the Arab spices and stylish perfume. In the gold souk, different kinds of golden necklace, earrings, bracelets and other art works. If time is enough, you also can have a walk in the antique market nearby, to have some Arabic suitcase, coffee kettle, art crafts. Then, transfer to visit Heritage Touch. All its products are masterpieces, unique, and magnificent, showing the Arabic and Islamic culture. Afterwards, transfer to Jumeirah Beach, enjoy the sunshine and the view of Burj Al Arab. You can choose to have lunch in Burj Al Arab on your own. In the afternoon, gather at the meeting point, travel into the desert by Land Cruiser. Enjoy the sand surfing, camp BBQ dinner and Belly Dance Show (Belly Dance Show stops during Ramadan). The sand surfing activity lasts about 4 hours, then transfer back to hotel.
返回温馨的家Return to sweet home





