大家好!我叫韦建,分子生物学在读研究生,唱歌是本人的一大业余爱好!每当学习或科研上遇到挫折,有音乐和歌声陪伴着我,总是让我很快恢复信心,渡过难关!音乐,舞台,歌手都不是我的梦想 却时刻在激励着我追逐更为真挚的梦想!很感谢这个舞台给予我机会表现自己,也很感谢大家的关注!我会尽力把最美最好的歌声带给大家!谢谢.Hello,My name is Jian wei, a master student majored in Molecular Miology, music is my significant part of lesiture time. I very appreciate the opportunity to express myself, and appreciate the concerns from everyone, I will try my best to render the best song to you! Thank you very much!