
第三届纽约辣妈竞芳华11号Grace Macnow

2016年09月30日 辣妈竞芳华 暂无评论 阅读 676 views 次


我的名字叫Grace Macnow。我来自于中国, 现是美籍华人。Macnow 是我的夫姓。 我先生是美国人, 我们结婚20年直到他六年前病逝。我有一个可爱的女儿和两个天真烂漫的外孙女。


“夕阳辣余味无穷”"辣" 就是热爱生活, "辣" 就是做人做事, 全力以赴!
我是将军的女儿,在部队里出生成长。在中国我做过工农兵学商各行各业。大学中文专业毕业。只身来美后我重建了幸福家庭, 在我的精心呵护下,女儿健康成长并使她在美受高等教育, 获得商业管理和市场管理双学士学位, 成功的事业和美满的家庭。我在家是能干的煮妇和护士, 朝夕相处的先生重病卧床6,7年,我从早到晚精心照顾着他。 在他生命结束的最后一刻他喃喃地对我说:”I love you! ” 我紧握着他的手, 泪流满面。我擦干了眼泪,又站了起来。带着对他的怀念,带着对人生的美好希望,在人生的旅途上继续往前走。
与此同时, 我独立创业经营三家美容院, 将中国传统养身疗法与西方的手法结合,深受欢迎。被纽约各大媒体像纽约杂志,时代杂志及各大主要电视台,评为最佳企业。世界日报也对我做了专题报道。我在2012-13年被Chinese21选为杰出华裔企业家。获得水晶奖杯。

我认为"辣" 还是勇于尝试创新, 学无止境。 我是个酷爱学习, 追求进步的人。 从一句英文都不会到完全融入美国社会, 我完成了飞跃。 曾经为了开美容院, 我与女儿一起在纽约的大学同桌攻读。经过三年的努力拼搏,顺利考取了纽约州的按摩和美容执照。我现在是纽约Hunter 大学舞蹈系舞蹈专业的学生。我还在修心理学和哲学的课程。我每天习舞6,7个小时。通过辛勤的努力,我很荣幸地获得了中国古典和民族舞三个舞蹈比赛的优秀奖。
最后, 我要说"辣" 就是认准目标, 勇往直前!
我有一个梦想, 要在我进入老年后活得更充实更精彩。我要给下一代做榜样, 給我们的子孙留下一个美好的记忆。我要活得快乐,活得有声有色。做自己内心愿意做的事,追求心底深处对热情的向往。找到自己的世界所在。我要用美丽动人的舞姿向下一代传承中国文化;用不同风格的中国舞古典民族舞反映中国各民族的历史渊源;用浩瀚诗歌词律表达东方文化的博大精深。让我们的后代永远为做一个华人而骄傲自豪。这次参加比赛希望让子女懂得无论年纪有多大,学无止境。这次辣妈初赛结束时,女儿深情地对我说“妈妈我为你骄傲。”尤其孙女们不停的掌声让我留下幸福的眼泪。 这对于我来说是比名次更可贵的收获!


谢谢辣妈竞芳华给我的生活带来新的激励与挑战。感谢Lina Mei 让我学到参赛者和专家们的认真敬业精神。这是一个学习和提高的过程,帮我们提升到更新的高度,历练得更优秀。辣妈们的故事使我很感动,从每个辣妈及专业人士的身体力行上学到了这团队积极向上的力量,将激励我及我们的子孙不断向上。
我爱辣妈, 我要为我自己和所有的辣妈鼓掌!
My name is Grace Macnow and I am proud to say that I am the oldest participant in this hot mama contest.

For those of you who may be wondering why, at my age, I am participating in this contest I say “why not”? This contest is called “…hot…”for a reason. Although many define “hot”, when describing a woman, as good looking, sexy, and foxy, it also means fire! Fire as in passion, drive, motivation and the desire to excel, exceed expectations and to succeed. Life’s experiences, and the wonderful opportunities I have embraced, have given me this very same fire.

I grew up as the daughter of a Chinese Army general. I guess you would call me an army brat (to use an American saying). I received my college degree in Chinese literature, while studying in China, and had the opportunity to work in various professions such as commerce, marketing and trade, just to name a few.

I came to this country in 1994 seeking the wonderful opportunities and freedom I’d heard so much about and had yet to experience for myself. Shortly thereafter, I met Alan Macnow, the love of my life and wonderful husband whose name I carry. Together, Alan and I began our life together and raised a wonderful and beautiful daughter.

In 2001, I started my own wellness business, specializing in traditional Chinese medicinal tuina massage. My business incorporated western massage techniques with traditional Chinese and, as a result, catered to a mostly American clientele. Eventually, the business grew into three centers, all in Manhattan, drawing the attention of several TV broadcast stations in the New York area. American print media. The business was awarded the best in the beauty industry. such as the New York Times magazine and Time Out New York, as well as the Chinese American newspaper The World Journal, wrote special features focusing on me and my business.

Then, in 2003 my life changed. My husband was taken ill and became bedridden. Now, I was balancing two very demanding tasks of running my business and being a fulltime caregiver to my husband doing all that I could for him morning and night. I know that I could have hired a full time nurse, but chose not to, because I wanted to care for him myself. He was my husband, the love of my life! Eventually, after seven years of declining health, Alan succumbed to his illness in 2010. With his last breath, he whispered to me “I love you.” During his last moment on earth, I never let go of his hand and tears never stopped flowing down my face and body. I cried for him, I mourned him.

To this very day I continue on life’s path, taking with me all of the beautiful memories of Alan and that very precious time we spent together. Although I struggled with the profound grief of my loss, I continued to bring all of my energy to the business that I had worked so hard at making successful. In 2012, only two years after Alan’s passing, I earned the award of Outstanding Chinese-American Entrepreneur. I received this award, once again, in 2013.

Today, that hot fire that motivated and drove me from when I first came to this country unable to speak a word of English, to become an educated successful business entrepreneur, burns brighter than ever before. That very fire that inspired me to pursue a business career has given birth to a passionate lust for knowledge through higher education. As a student at Hunter College, I have taken classes in dance, psychology and philosophy.

Dancing feeds the hot fire in me to stay fit and healthy for as long as I am able. Every day I devote hours to practicing, so that my performances project this fire to my audiences. Just recently 2016, I was given an award of “excellence” in Chinese classic and folk dances.

So to all of you, I say that with this fire, one never stops and never gives up. Even though I am the oldest in this competition, it is this motivation, this desire, and this spirit that makes me feel young at heart. May this hot fire inside me propel me forward always and forever!




