
咕噜甜品 Kulu desserts

2013年10月11日 国际与社区新闻 暂无评论 阅读 17 次浏览 次
Kulu desserts

Kulu desserts

咕噜甜品 Kulu desserts was established in August 2011. The idea of our business is to bring in a new concept about desserts.
We provide Crepes, Bubble Tea, and Asian Fusion Desserts, such as Hong Kong style Sweet Soups, combination of ice cream, fresh fruits, pudding, and herbal jelly.

糖水在广东人的饮食料理中有重要的地位,糖水不仅具有滋补、消暑、润肺等作用,而且色香味俱全,一年四季皆宜饮糖水,尤以夏季为什。广东糖水专门店-咕噜甜品(Kulu Desserts)最近在布碌仑8大道62街开幕,由年青的华裔第二代经营,让糖水在美国出发。




咕噜甜品开张当日,中华公所主席伍权硕、市议员Vincent Gentile、区长办公室主任Carlo A. Scissura、纽约协胜主席吴亮识、洪门主席陈永锦、纽约伍胥山公所顾问伍应祺夫妇、亚裔社区联合会陈纬麟主席等亲临剪彩并致赠表扬状。其负责人表示,布碌仑华人社区近年发展迅速,该店除了为大家推出各类糖水甜品点心外,亦为社区的年轻人提供了一个安全的好去处,该店平日开至12am,周末至2am。

地址:806 62nd St., 2nd Fl., Brooklyn(62街夾8大道),電話:718-680-2818。 ( 打电话时,请您告知商家你是通过法拉盛网找到的 )

Desserts is not always about baking, frozen, or refrigerated, what we do here is to mix and match with daily fresh ingredients. Our products consider healthy and fresh, most traditional desserts contain high calories, but what we make can fulfill your desire for sweet, and still keep you healthy. When people first come in, most of them have no idea what are we selling, like what!? Asian Fusion Desserts!? Well, I would say, just give it a try, and you will definitely come back again.

We try our best to serve our customers! Please continue to support us! You can also go to our facebook page to post your pictures that you took in Kulu with your friends! There will be latest news about Kulu. Keep in touch!

Kulu desserts beauty

Kulu desserts beauty



