
辣妈竞芳华穿上紫色梦幻 高级时装定制12 生肖系列 高贵典雅 惊艳登场

2016年10月19日 辣妈竞芳华 暂无评论 阅读 567 views 次

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紫色梦幻 地址:5114 7th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11220



《Chinese zodiac》the charitable activities around the world

WONGVAZO top fashion brand New York in the United States send rev WONGVAZO custom works "zodiac" global search for "Chinese zodiac public welfare charity ambassador" joint rev: hua-zhong wang, Liu Yaomei, He Ruiji

"Zodiac" : animal is alive, the dress is "talking" clothing, dress of no fur can also luxuriant glaring, WONGVAZO global brand first start looking for the Chinese zodiac public welfare charity ambassador, buy WONGVAZO zodiac dress guest can be anyone from around the world, 12 people must be take care of animals and let the angel of charity, dress can wear or after purchase must give a ambassador in, find the ambassador after twelve would pose to witness the historic moment for human beings and certificates awarded the trophy, WONGVAZO brand, co-founder of hua-zhong wang, Liu Yaomei, He Ruiji decided to sell the gown out of 60% as a public welfare charity, 30% of them used to love to protect animals, the other 30% to charity, looking forward to the emergence of twelve is predestined friends the human...

"Chinese zodiac" set off the global fashion culture media art crossover thinking of human nature, on behalf of the Chinese culture and charity is calling for the world to protect animals and represented, and on behalf of the Chinese fashion designer from now on in the world fashion stage a voice of historic public welfare activities...

《十二生肖》礼服创作灵感:礼乃中华五千年文化之根,紫色代表梦想,栩栩如生的鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪十二种动物让礼服成了“会说话的服装”,呼吁全世界从我做起保护动物穿零皮草的服装也可以华丽闪耀,裙摆后面五环的设计象征五大洲,十二生肖统一紫色和统一款式不同细节不同图案,代表着不同国家但都有一个共同的梦想就是携手共进共创和平……"Zodiac" dress creative inspiration: is the root of Chinese culture in five thousand, purple on behalf of the dream, lifelike rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig twelve animals make dress apparel "talking" starts from me all over the world to protect animals in zero fur clothing can also luxuriant glaring, skirt is placed behind the design of the five rings symbolize five continents, zodiac unified purple and details of different design style, representing different countries but have a common dream is to work together to create peace...image店址5114 7ave Brooklyn Ny 山心化妆品布鲁克林专卖店imageimage




